Early gas turbine engines have a very
short operating life between overhaul/
maintenance cycles. Both economic
and operational readiness requirements
have demanded and every increasing
operating life (mean time between
overhaul). Structural deciencies were a
primary cause of failure. Improvements
in design, materials and maintenance
practices greatly increased the operational
life, but were limited by knowledge and
methods for anticipating service induced
initiation and growth of aws. e advent
and introduction of fatigue and fracture
mechanics as design and life- cycle
management tools oered substantial
improvements in life predictions and
substantial improvements in both safety
and operational reliability. A key to
implementation of fatigue and fracture
mechanics was the development of
quantitative inspection capabilities
(Berens, 1992).
In the United States, the USAF
Material Lab (Man Tech Division)
assembled a team of experts and funded
a program to develop a state of the art
inspection system in October of 1981.
is system is known as the Retirement
for Cause system and was awarded to
System Research Laboratories Inc. (now
VEDA Corporation). e initial program
challenge was to reliably detect small
(0.005 by 0.010 inch) cracks in parts
that were being returned for overhaul
or replacement. Without the inspection
system, parts that had exceeded their
1,000-hour design life were retired to
minimize the possibility of a catastrophic
failure in ight. When condence was
gained with the new RFC inspection
system, parts could be returned to
service for an additional 1,000 hours and
beyond with substantial savings in parts
e RFC Inspection System
e RFC system was conceived as a
fully automated inspection system that
could be operated by mechanics in the
engine overhaul facilities. Extensive
subcomponent development and testing
were completed to assure that the basic
inspection capabilities could be met. e
subcomponents were then integrated
into the automated system and further
system level testing and validation
was completed before each inspection
sequence (scan plan) was accepted
for production application. ese
practices and disciplines have extended
to all subsequent system versions and
improvement packages.
e resulting RFC Eddy Current
Inspection System (ECIS) was a
computer -controlled eddy current
inspection station with standard
communication interfaces, and
extensive computer capability.
Mechanical scanners provide a 7-axis
automated scanning of complex engine
part geometries; automated probe
positioning and changing to enable
inspection of multiple features; and
set-up “Standardization” reference
artifacts for automated NDE set-up
and diagnostics. e RFC system was
originally applied to the USAF F-100
engine and provided cost savings that
far exceeded the development costs.
e system provided inspection of
simple geometries (holes, radius areas,
slots, etc.) in initial applications, but has
been extended to complex geometries
| C | V. XXII | N. 23 | - | 2017 |