ACTA was asked to provide additional
support to ATK (Alliant Techsystems) and
NASA-WFF (Wallops Flight Facility) in
preparation for the forthcoming launch
of the ALV X1 vehicle. e two areas of
support were: (1) updating the toxic risk
database due to a change in the trajectory
and (2) provide an analysis of the risks to
the aircraft from debris resulting from a
vehicle breakup.
e purpose of the ATK ALV X1
vehicle was to carry two payloads. e
HY-BOLT (Hypersonic Boundary Layer
Transition) and SOAREX (Suborbital
Aerodynamic Reentry Experiment). e
rst was designed to cross the atmosphere
and evaluate the boundary layer as
described by Schetz, J. and Bowersox,
R. (2011). e second to characterize a
new vehicle for re-entry and innovative
self-orientation as described by Eterno,
J. (1989). e vehicle was designed to
reach a height of 400 km and a speed
of approximately 8,500 km / h (Mach
number of 8). At this point, the payloads
should have been ejected.
For this mission, NASA and ATK hired
ACTA to conduct a risk analysis of debris
impact on airplanes in order to prevent
areas of risk and to take the necessary
measures to protect air transport.
However, on August 28, 2008, ATK
ALV X1 was launched successfully but
the ascent lasted only about 27 seconds,
and immediately the vehicle began to
turn o course, which is why the ight
termination system (FTS) was activated
to nish the mission. e results of the
risk analysis that ACTA carried out prior
to the launch, served to support, and
in that sense, prevent disasters due to
debris impacts on aircraft ying over the
spacecraft’s ight area.
Two fragment lists were used for the
risk analysis using a program named
RRAT. e rst list contained Stage 2
debris assuming and explosive failure
im the Star 37 Stage 2 solid rocket
motor as described by Eterno, J. (1989).
is debris list started at the Stage II
ignition time of 73 seconds and adjusted
at 10 seconds intervals of ight. e
second debris list contained a complete
fragment list for Stage 1 ight. In this
list, the number of fragments in the
Stage 2avionics section due to a Stage 1
explosion was not reduced as it was for
Stage 2 failures. ATK pointed out that
they have a rather massive aluminum
plate above the Stage 2 attitude control
system (ACS), dened by Larson, and
Wertz, (1992) that shields the avionics
pallet and avionics section from direct
impact from fragments ejected from a
failure/explosion in the lower part of the
No malfunction turns were used
in the analysis because of the limited
time to perform the work. Cross-range
dispersions due to guidance uncertainties
were provided to ACTA in form of a
plot that had results from a Monte Carlo
analysis (2000 trajectories) of guidance
and performance variation (Figure 1).
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| C | V. XXIII | N. 25 | - | 2018 |