| C | V. XXV | N. 29 | - | 2020 | | ISSN (): - | ISSN ( ): - |
deection angle, the density increase
across the shock wave becomes
progressively larger as the Mach number
is increased. At higher density, the mass
ow behind the shock wave can more
easily “squeeze through” smaller areas.
For a ow over a hypersonic body such
as a missile, this means that the distance
between the body and the shock wave
can be small.
Entropy Layer
ere are some options in forms of
hypersonic vehicles. e sharp tip and
the blunt nose tip. Unlike those with a
sharp tip, in those with a blunt nose and
hypersonic Mach numbers, a shock layer
over the blunt nose is formed which is
also very thin (compared to that with a
sharp tip) and with a small separation
distance in the nose called “detachment”.
Entropy is energy, and the entropy of
the ow is increased through a shock
wave, and thus, the stronger the shock
wave, the larger the entropy increase.
is layer which contains the energy,
called entropy layer causes analytical
problems when you want to perform
standard boundary layer (boundary layer
phenomena) calculations on the surface
of the vehicle.
Viscous Interaction
A high-speed hypersonic ow contains
a large amount of kinetic energy. When
this ow is decelerated by the viscous
eects within the boundary layer, the lost
kinetic energy is transformed (in part)
into internal energy of the gas, so call
viscous dissipation. us, the temperature
is increased within the boundary layer
and heat can be transferred to the vehicle
if protective measures of aerodynamic,
thermal and structural design are not
taken in consideration.
High Temperature Flows
Extreme viscous dissipation that
occurs within hypersonic boundary
layers can create very high temperatures.
So high, as to energize or stimulate
vibrational energy internally between
molecules, and cause dissociation and
even more, ionization within the gas.
If the surface of the hypersonic vehicle
is protected by an ablative heat shield,
the ablation products are also present in
the boundary layer, leading to complex
chemical reactions of hydrocarbons. In
this way, we can see that the surface of
a hypersonic vehicle can be aected by a
boundary layer reacting chemically.
Among the techniques to solve
this type of high-speed ows are
the exact solutions. e rst exact
solution is based on the oblique shock
wave relations and hold for all Mach
numbers greater than unity, supersonic
or hypersonic ows assuming perfectly
caloric gases. However, some interesting
approximations and simplied forms of
this type of oblique shock wave relations
are obtained at the limit of high Mach
number values. ere is a second exact
solution that is based on the local surface
inclination method which is a method
based on Newtonian theory; and a
third exact solution method is based
on the relations of small hypersonic
disturbances. e pressure distribution
Cp, is particularly important since it
is a measure of how much can stand
the vehicle under pressure due to
higher values of speed. For the rst
exact solution method, which is based
on the oblique shock wave relations