Practical activities with a problem approach for the subject computer networks using a simulator



Computer network, Trouble approach, Simulator, Packet Tracer


Computer networks constitute an essential element for the educational teaching process since they contribute to the need for teachers in their training to acquire a group of skills necessary for networking, in order to contribute to a more dynamic and developer learning. This work offers practical activities with a problem approach for the Computer Networks subject taught in the 4th year of the Computer Science Degree using the Packet Tracer simulator, a network simulation program that allowed students to experiment with the behavior of the network and solve problems for the advanced design of the same. From the application of these activities, the students were able to face and solve educational problems in the installation of networks, thus achieving greater motivation for the subject and also allowing a notable improvement in learning, since they became familiar with the physical components of the network and with its configuration, where they could also check if it works properly through pinging and sending messages between their workstations. During three courses, the students faced the practices presented in this proposal, which prepared them to design and configure simple networks for educational purposes.


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How to Cite

Practical activities with a problem approach for the subject computer networks using a simulator. (2021). EduTicInnova - Revista De Educación Virtual, 9(1), 10-26.