Author Guidelines
1.- General Norms:
The KIRU journal is edited in a printed and electronic version. It is available full text under the website: and through the Open Journal System (OJM) This journal will publicate original articles about dentistry related topics and health science, and accept full text articles in Spanish and English.
2.- Presentation and submission
KIRU journal accepts manuscripts presented in congresses, conferences and scientific meetings. To present this articles, the KIRU editorial team has based on the “Uniform requirement for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals”, published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, available at:
The articles must be send via email to:
It must be attached the following:
2.1 Request for publication in the Kiru journal and acceptance of the conditions of publication addressed to the editor of the magazine and signed by its author.
2.2 Affidavit of authorship and transfer of rights of publication signed by all authors.
2.3 Personal information from the authors. Name, address, telephone, e-mails and indicate how each author has contributed to the paper. Also, indicate the academic degree or the most important teaching or research category of each author. It must be specified the personal information of corresponding author.
2.4. The article. The manuscript must be written in Microsoft Word, Arial font, size 12, justified text, double spacing and 3cm margins.
The formats for the presentation of the articles are available in the e-mail address:
3. Article structure
Articles may be structured according to the following categories: original articles, review articles, case reports and letters to the editor.
3.1. Original Articles
Original contributions, which by the magnitude of the generated new knowledge require extensive development, detailed methodological description and proper discussion. Its extension should not exceed 20 typewritten pages, excluding tables, photos or diagrams.
The content of the article will have the following criteria:
3.1.1. Sections. Title in Spanish and English, authors, institution of origin, abstract and key words in Spanish and English.
The scheme of the article should include: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments (when appropriate), funding source, conflicts of interest and references. The main subtitles (introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, references) will be written in capital letters on the left margin, no indentation; the rest of the text is written in lowercase.
3.1.2. Title. It must be concise but informative of the content and must not exceed 120 characters (including spaces). It is written in capital letters without abbreviations, without underlining, centered in the middle of the page.
3.1.3. About the authors. Indicate first name and surnames of the authors separated by a hyphen, only the first in capital letter, each one separated by a comma and centered. It is written (briefly) institutional affiliation of the authors and the name, address, telephone and email from one of them for correspondence. The order of the authors should be decided jointly by them. It is recommended that the number of authors is consistent with the magnitude and importance of research. In this regard, it is recalled that international standards recommend that one should appear as authors, those whose contribution was essential in: the idea or design work; data collection or interpretation of results; drafting or critical revision of the article and that assumes responsibility for the presented study.
3.1.4. Summary. The summary must be structured as: Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusions, (with numerical expressions and statistical significance if appropriate). It must be written in Spanish and English and not exceed 250 words. It should not contain bibliographic references, tables or figures.
3.1.5 Keywords (Key words). Immediately afterwards must be presented three to six words in Spanish and English. The first letter of each word should be capitalized and separated by semicolons (Example: Dental occlusion; Fluor); also it should be consulted by the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) of BIREME, available at: and key words in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of the National Library of Medicine available at: http: //
3.1.6. Introduction. It should include the approach of the research problem, background, justification and objective of the study.
3.1.7. Materials and methods. Describe the study design; the universe and the type, size and selection criteria of the sample. It should be mentioned how was the measurement of the study variables and methods, procedures and instruments. Indicate the statistical analysis. Specify precisely the ethical considerations for the development of the study.
3.1.8. Results. It must be written the main findings, obtained after processing the data. It should be presented clearly and in a logical sequence. It can use tables or figures to help understanding of the results. In case of figures, the number and title should be located at the bottom. It should be included the statistical values found in the analysis.
3.1.9. Discussion. The results of the study are interpreted and compared with those obtained by other researchers. It should be discussed on the limitations of the study. At the end of this section it must be included the conclusions reached by the author, which must correspond with the initial objectives. Some recommendations may be included.
3.1.10. References. Only those cited in the article is included. References must be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text, indicated in parentheses and superscript. Do not include more than 30 references. The reference format to follow is the Vancouver style (you can check the website:
For journal articles, the first surname should be followed by initials of the author's name, whereas the following authors will be added separated by a comma. If more than six authors, after the sixth author the term et al will be placed. Then the title of the article, followed by journal name summarized. Also it should be added the year of publication, volume and number of publication of the magazine consulted. Finally, colon [:]is placed followed by the number (s) of the pages you consulted. Example: Cecchinato D, Parpaiola A, Lindhe J. Mucosal inflammation and incidence of crestal bone loss among implant patients: a 10-year study. Clin Oral Implants Res, 2014, 25(7):791–796. To cite books, reference is indicated as follow: The author's last name followed by the initials of his name, if more than one author will be separated by commas. Book title, edition number, city where published. Place colon [:] and indicate the publisher, add a semicolon and the year of publication. Example: Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002. p. 112- 23.
Do not use the "Endnote" program for bibliographic references because it can not be edited
3.2. Case Report
It is a description related to the diagnosis of a rare or the results of a new treatment disease. The content will respond to the criteria of a research paper, presenting the following sections: title in Spanish and English, authors, institution of origin, unstructured abstract up to 150 words and key words in Spanish and English. It should contain an introduction, objectives, presentation of case report, discussion, conclusions and references. It must be presented a manuscript no longer than ten pages excluding the corresponding figures, up to 15 figures and maximum 6 authors, unless a greater number is duly justified in writing before the editorial committee and this situation is admitted.
3.3. Review Article
It is an exhaustive compilation, current and systematised on a given subject, which also includes a critical analysis of a conducted research. It is recommended to be conducted by experts on the subject. The content will present the following sections: title in Spanish and English, authors, institution of origin, unstructured abstract up to 250 words and key words in Spanish and English. It should be considered an introduction, body of the article followed by subheadings by topic, conclusions and references (up to 70 citations). It must be submitted a maximum of 20 pages. Including up to five tables and five original figures; if the images are not original must be followed by written permission from the authors for reproduction. Maximum 6 authors, unless a greater number is duly justified in writing before the editorial committee and this situation is admitted
3.4. Letters to the editor
In this section, the Kiru journal readers can post their comments, questions and replies regarding the published articles. The maximum length is 1000 words (approximately one page) and the number of bibliographical references up to 5. You can add up to 2 tables or figures. The relevance of the publication will be assessed by the Editorial Committee.
3.5. Additional information
• Authors must declare if they have conflicts of interest in the publication of the article.
• Indicate whether the published article has received any subsidy.
• Articles submitted for publication should not be simultaneously submitted for publication in other journals or publishing organs.
• It is suggested that articles on clinical trials follow the guidelines established by the Declaration CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials), available at:
• Likewise, for observational studies, it is important to consider the recommendations given by the Declaration of the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology), available at:
3.6. General Considerations for publication
3.6.1. Tables. Should have only three horizontal lines separating the header from the body, it must be sequentially numbered and have a title, the latter must be placed at the top.
3.6.2. Figures. Includes photos, diagrams and graphs. It must be on a separate file with figures in TIFF or JPG format at a higher resolution of 600 dpi or 300 pixels folder. If digitally generated schemes, programs must be compatible with PowerPoint, Word, or Corel draw and must be editable. All must be numbered and have a title.
3.6.3. Measurement units. Express them according to the International System of Units.
3.6.4. Abbreviations. It must appear with the full name the first time they are cited in the text.
3.6.5 Scientific names of species. They should be placed in italics.
3.6.6. Quote authors. Within the article, citing a reference by various authors, mention only the first stating your first name followed by the word et al. (Example: Tjellström et al.) The citation is indicated by a superscript Arabic number, in parentheses, before the point. Example: Oral health is an integral part of general health (1).
3.6.7 Product mention: The generic name of the product must be referred to. If you are going to indicate the commercial names add in parentheses: the name of the product, the trademark, the manufacturer's data and the country. For example: 2% Chlorhexidine, Cavity Cleanser, Bisco, Inc., Schaumburg, IL, USA).
- 4. Ethical aspects
The articles go through the review by a Research Ethics Committee of the School of Dentistry - USMP, if found failure at following the ethics in some studies done in humans or animals, or in the preparation of the article, this will not be published and it will proceed as recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) available at:
- 5. Editorial Process
5.1 Review by the Editorial Committee. Articles are initially evaluated by the editorial team, if they meet the standards of publication of the Kiru journal, it pass an editorial arbitration.
5.2 Plagiarism detection. The KIRU journal protects the compliance of national and international ethical standards in the publication process. Therefore, it follows international standards in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and uses Turnitin software to guarantee transparency in information.
5.3 Peer review. All articles submitted for publication will undergo a process of opinion by both domestic and foreign experts (specialists)., external to the institution and that have previously published related topics This process is done double-blind (double blind peer review), so the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors and vice versa, in order to ensure the impartiality of the review. The review process is anonymous and participation of the reviewers is ad honorem. If there is controversy among peers, the opinion of a referee is requested. The original articles are evaluated by two reviewers and review articles and case reports at least by one.
Articles and arbitration formats are sent by email to reviewers who agree to participate in this process.
5.4 Results of the process of opinion. a) Accepted for publication without modification b) Accepted for publication with recommendations to improve the article c) Accepted for publication necessarily taking into account the comments of the referees d) It is not recommended to be published. Based on the opinion of the referees and suggestions of the statistics, the Editorial Committee will decide whether or not to approve the publication of the article. The manuscripts considered publishable requiring any correction will be sent to the authors to address the suggestions and observations of the referees. Those who have not been approved will be returned to their authors.
5.5 The authors have up to four weeks to forward their corrections to the Editorial Committee. After it had been verified the corrections, the committee in question shall forward to the proofreader, translator and printer. If within 45 days the authors did not respond, the item will be separated from the publication in that number.
5.6 Only manuscripts that have been approved shall pass to the publishing process.
5.7 Only the ORCID codes of the authors will be requested, of those manuscripts that have been approved for publication by the editorial committee.
5.8 The approximate time of publication of the article is 2 to 5 months.
5.9 Before the final print it will be sent a copy to the author for approval.
5.10 Once the article is submitted, it will not be accepted to add more authors during the editorial process.
6. About the copyright
The articles of the Kiru journal are open access, are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) available at: the name of the authors and the journal must be recognized. You can not make commercial use of the articles.
Submission Preparation Checklist
Todos los envíos deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos.
El manuscrito no ha sido publicado previamente en otra revista ni se ha enviado paralelamente a otra (s) revistas
- Se envía el manuscrito adjuntando la "Carta de presentación" y la "Declaración jurada de originalidad y consideraciones éticas en la publicación de artículos por la revista Kiru", suscrita por los autores en la cual afirman tener conocimiento y ser responsables del contenido del artículo.
- El manuscrito y adjuntos se presentan en formato Word.
- En la "Declaración Jurada de originalidad y consideraciones éticas en la publicación de artículos por la revista Kiru", se ha incluido información sobre los roles de autoría, conflicto de interés, fuentes de financiamiento y aspectos éticos.
- Las referencias bibliográficas se presentan en formato Vancouver.
Relacion de los articulos publicadosEditorial
Introduccion, materiales y metodos, resultados y discusion.Copyright Notice
- Los autores/as conservarán sus derechos de autor y garantizarán a la revista el derecho de primera publicación de su obra, el cuál estará simultáneamente sujeto a la Licencia de reconocimiento de Creative Commons (CCBY- 4.0).
- Los autores/as podrán adoptar otros acuerdos de licencia no exclusiva de distribución de la versión de la obra publicada (p. ej.: depositarla en un archivo telemático institucional o publicarla en un volumen monográfico) siempre que se indique la publicación inicial en esta revista.
- Se permite y recomienda a los autores/as difundir su obra a través de Internet (p. ej.: en archivos telemáticos institucionales o en su página web) posterior al proceso de aprobación del manuscrito, lo cual puede producir intercambios interesantes y aumentar las citas de la obra publicada.