
  • Nerea Yaringaño-Medina Facultad de Odontología - USMP
  • Jorge Alamo-Palomino
  • Hugo Garcia-Rivera
  • Janet Guevara-Canales
  • Rafael Morales-Vadillo
  • Yaniref Namihas-Bernales
  • Luis Neyra-Muñiz


Microfiltration, Endodontics, Obturation.


Objective: To determine the microleakage at cervical third in three endodontic obturation techniques in diaphanized teeth. Materials
and Methods: 18 single root premolars were sectioned, instrumented and divided into four groups (n = 18) and sealed by techniques
using: G1 ultrasound; G2 thermo-mechanical and G3 GuttaFlow®. The control group G Control (n = 3) without root filling, teeth were
trans-parented according to the Robertson technique. The samples were observed under an optical microscope at 4x using graph
paper. Comparison of groups was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis 95% confidence interval. Results: Group 2 with the
thermomechanical technique showed lower microleakage, followed by Group 1 and Group 3. Conclusions: Three endodontic
obturation techniques presented microleakage, being the thermo-mechanical technique the one that showed less microleakage. KIRU.


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Artículos Originales/ Original articles

How to Cite

MICROFILTRATION CERVICAL ASSESSMENT IN THREE TECHNIQUES IN SHUTTER ENDODONTIC DIAPHANIZED TEETH. (2016). Revista KIRU ISSN (Impreso): 1812 - 7886 ISSN (Digital): 2410-2717, 13(2). https://portalrevistas.aulavirtualusmp.pe/index.php/Rev-Kiru0/article/view/1006

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