Dental crowding as a possible indicator of inadequate oral hygiene


  • Katharine Maribel Sernaque Roca Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Marcia Milagros Terreros Murillo Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Luisa Fernanda Caya Bardales Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



In the study the authors concluded that there was no correlation between dental crowding and oral hygiene. However, the results of the study could vary, if selection biases are avoided, which occurred when including within the sample, people who did not have the main characteristic of crowding


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Author Biographies

  • Katharine Maribel Sernaque Roca, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Marcia Milagros Terreros Murillo, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Luisa Fernanda Caya Bardales, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


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How to Cite

Dental crowding as a possible indicator of inadequate oral hygiene. (2021). Revista KIRU ISSN (Impreso): 1812 - 7886 ISSN (Digital): 2410-2717, 18(2).