Softwares to enhance anti-smoking education in primary schools from the educational software "Mysteries of Nature”



Anti-smoking, Primary Education, TIC, Educational Software


Smoking is one of the scourges suffered by humanity in contemporary society and children are not exempt from this risk. Therefore, the development of an anti-smoking education in schoolchildren through the teaching channels, and using educational software and softwares found in primary schools, with contents related to smoking and the harmfulness of its consumption. A pre-test and a post-test group of 15 students from the fourth grade were intentionally selected for this purpose. Instruments were used such as document analysis, observation of the processes that take place in the school related to the topic of educational prevention, interviews with teachers, surveys and interviews with families. Techniques were used to verify the level of knowledge, affective relationships and attitudes assumed by the students. These results were statistically verified by means of percentage analysis, in order to compare the results in the selected stages. As for the methods of descriptive statistics, simple frequency tables and bar charts were used to measure the effectiveness of the proposal.


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How to Cite

Softwares to enhance anti-smoking education in primary schools from the educational software "Mysteries of Nature”. (2019). EduTicInnova - Revista De Educación Virtual, 7(1), 41-51.