Cone beam computed tomography with low dose protocol for the location of impacted canines in pediatric patients. Case report




Tomography, Radiation Dose, Child, Impacted Tooth


Cone Beam Computed Tomography offers highly precise 3D images ideal for diagnosis and case planning, although this imaging method involves the use of high doses of radiation. When considering the optimization principle, radiation dose reduction methods aim to modify the technical parameters of the equipment to obtain an ideal combination between dose and image quality. This is important in the pediatric patient because the highest levels of risk are associated with X-ray exposure in this age group. We present the case of an 11-year-old female patient is presented, in which a low-resolution protocol is used to locate the maxillary retained canines. The advantages and practical application of this imaging study method are analyzed by performing variations in exposure parameters. Supported by tomographic images, the surgical procedure is carried out to subsequently a guided eruption, achieving the location of the canines in their usual position. It is evident that the adjustment of the exposure parameters did not affect the required image and the expected results were achieved.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Carlos Martínez Gómez, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Centro Médico Docente La Trinidad, Venezuela

    Especialista en Cirugía Maxilofacial. Radiólogo Dentomaxilofacial

  • Humberto Jiménez-Pinto, Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela.

    Especialista en ortodoncia

  • Oliangel del Valle Salazar Gómez, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Centro Médico Docente La Trinidad, Venezuela


  • Ana Isabel Ortega-Pertuz , Universidad de Zulia, Venezuela

    Doctora en Ciencias de la Salud

  • Maira Quevedo Piña, Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela

    Doctora en Ciencias Odontológicas


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Reportes de casos/ Case reports