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Objectives: To identify the influence of incentives to municipal management on early childhood investment in municipalities of Peru during the period 2012-2018. Materials and methods: A study of quantitative approach, explanatory scope and longitudinal design was carried out, using administrative bases of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Peru and RENIEC. Results: The evaluation of data linked to the Nutritional Articulated Budget Program and Incentive Program for the Improvement of Municipal Management (IP) of 1,876 municipalities of Peru, during the period 2012 – 2018, when applying the Spearman Correlation test a p < 0.05 was obtained, with a correlation coefficient of rs = 0.718, which became stronger in the case of municipalities No MC, less than 500 UUHH and 500 or more UUHH, as well as in the case of years with the presence of IP target, obtaining its highest value for the year 2015 (rs = 0.791). Conclusions: The results allow to conclude that the presence of the targets linked to the health sector, within the framework of the Incentives Plan for the Improvement of Municipal Management (IP), stimulated investment through the Nutritional Articulated Budget Program, during the period 2012 – 2015, especially for municipalities with the greatest quintile of poverty.
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