Public Policy To Eliminate Informality In The Acquisition Of Housing In Metropolitan Lima 2011-2022
Access to housing, Public policy, Population growth, Migration, PovertyAbstract
The main objective of the research is to determine how population growth, migration and poverty influenced the causes of informality in the acquisition of housing in Metropolitan Lima and will guarantee access to them.
Likewise, the research presents a mixed approach, basic type, non-experimental design. The information was collected from different public entities such as: Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation - MVCS, Metropolitan Municipality of Lima - MML, National Institute of Statistics and Informatics - INEI, National Superintendence of State Assets - SBN, National Household Survey - ENAHO. Reports and newspaper articles, undergraduate and graduate theses, magazine articles, books and others were used as a data collection tool.
It was concluded that the causes that cause informality in the acquisition of housing are: population growth, migration and poverty, which have been increasing in recent years. Furthermore, it should be noted that despite having a National Housing and Urban Development Policy, the objectives have not been met, much less has it been possible to combat the problem of the shortage of housing acquisitions and its informality.
Finally, to combat this problem, we must focus on the work of the three levels of government (national, regional and local) with the National Superintendence of State Assets, the entity in charge of all State properties.
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