Pedagogical Leadership Style in The Entrepreneurial Attitude of Students of Administration


  • Jessica Palacios-Garay Universidad Norber Wiener, Lima, Perú
  • Violeta Cadenillas-Albornoz Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Patricia Chávez-Ortiz Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Ruth Alina Flores-Barrios Universidad Tecnológica de Perú, Lima, Perú


Style, leadership, pedagogy, attitude, work


This study stablish that the pedagogical leadership  in the entrepreneurial attitude and the objective of this research was to determine the style of pedagogical leadership that influences the entrepreneurial attitude of the students of the professional career of Administration of Federico Villarreal National University-Lima, 2018. This study considered the descriptive level of causal correlation and design not experimental cross section. The sample consisted of 128 students of ninth and tenth cycle of the University School of Distance Education (EUDED) of the university mentioned before. The instruments of Castro, Nader and Casulla (2004) were used for pedagogical leadership style and Cuadras (2013) for the entrepreneurial attitude. The results showed that the pedagogical leadership style significantly influences the entrepreneurial attitude, with transformational leadership being the most influential, with a Nagelkerke indicator of 50.5%. 


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How to Cite

Pedagogical Leadership Style in The Entrepreneurial Attitude of Students of Administration. (2020). EduTicInnova - Revista De Educación Virtual, 8(1), 64-87.

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