The inverted classroom from a neuroscientific perspective
COVID-19, inverted classroom, learning, neuroeducation, neuroscienceAbstract
When academic activities were suspended as a result of the mandatory confinement decreed by the government during
the COVID-19 pandemic (Ramirez et al., 2020) educational institutions, in order to adapt to the situation, transformed teaching methodologies by reinventing the way of acting using virtual educational platforms initiating a new way of exercising pedago- gical work in a synchronous and/or asynchronous manner (Almiron, 2021) eliminating barriers of space and time. Making the flipped classroom stimulate active learning, engagement, metacognition, understanding, academic performance, higher level of reflection, creativity, greater fluency, flexibility, creativity, critical and integrative thinking (Al-Samarraie et al., 2019, Young- Jang et al., 2020) will be possible, if those in charge of implementing it keep in mind what Francisco Mora emphasized that trying to teach without knowing how the brain works, is like trying to design a glove without having seen a hand before, hence, the importance of applying neuroscientific knowledge in the teaching-learning process. This is the only way to understand the importance of knowing that emotions favor the processes of attention, learning and memory, while stress alters them by sup- pressing the capacity of neuronal plasticity of the hippocampus. It is also important to know the importance of exercise, music, dance, environment, emotion, fear, stress, exercise that by increasing blood flow to the brain provides more energy, stimulating the connecting protein of neurons and sleep that improves performance by consolidating what is learned in memory.
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