Burnout and its relationship with private university teachers (2018-2023) : A systematic review of the scientific literature
Burnout , teachers, education, education, universities, exhaustionAbstract
Burnout syndrome among university professors is a concerning phenomenon impacting mental health and job performance. It is characterized by a combination of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment at work. University professors face a significant workload, including teaching, research, and academic management, leading to high levels of stress. Emotional exhaustion manifests as tiredness and lack of energy, depersonalization involves adopting cynical attitudes toward students and colleagues, and reduced personal accomplishment entails diminished satisfaction and achievement at work. Factors such as pressure to publish, excessive workload, lack of recognition, and insufficient resources contribute to the development of burnout. The effects of burnout on university professors extend beyond the individual, impacting the quality of teaching and the academic environment. Prevention and management of burnout involve the implementation of institutional strategies promoting work-life balance, emotional support, and the creation of a healthy work environment.
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