Net recommendation index in satisfaction of the consumer experience of higher educational offerings
Satisfaction, net promoter score, quality education, virtual educationAbstract
The objective of the present investigation is to know the level of satisfaction and recommendations of the students of the undergraduate and postgraduate programs of the specialty in law of the San Martin de Porres University. This research has a simple descriptive methodology, and included the participation of a sample of 101 students of the professional career of law (PAT) and 783 of the master’s degree in law in criminal sciences. Two instruments were applied for data collection, one quantitative (questionnaire with a 4-level Likert scale) and the other qualitative (focus group). The main results were, on the one hand, that there are good net recommendation rates that guarantee the loyalty of law undergraduate and postgraduate students (43 and 49 respectively); and on the other hand, that the highest level of satisfaction was evidenced in the quality of training dimension (3.40), while in the quality of service the lowest level of satisfaction was obtained (3.11), both within the spectrum of a good qualification on average, and supported by the opinions of the students in the focus group.
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